Free online strategic RPG game
Beta v1.0
EN server 1
List of players who are playing now.
61MartinBColin (L68 Warrior )-899684685
62adam4eveHercul (L26 Landlord ) 20 NewbieVille121146238
63VontYuriq (L69 Wizard ) 12 Vontonland516015218
64RadheQRadheQ (L54 Warrior )-702664663
65Vaclav37Piskoø (L58 Warrior )-480014957
66PaulVan (L75 Warrior )-1312363175
67Swordsman of AileKatsuro Sword (L24 Warrior ) 20 NewbieVille761554177
68niksilk (L43 Warrior )-402554643
69sumadinacNib (L62 Landlord )-640103870
70Erland von SverigeChristian von Sverig (L56 Landlord ) 37 The Shire372154254
71ShigoZitto de Luu (L49 Wizard )-1079152834
72MammothIIIkram (L60 Landlord )-330154212
73TogomogoKoritean (L47 Warrior )-330074107
74anubarakFelzetesh (L63 Warrior )-948702622
75WillibaldBeartram (L68 Landlord )-336283844
76Owain GlyndŵrOwain Gwynedd (L51 Warrior ) 37 The Shire300743870
77MawihtecMawihtec (L51 Landlord ) 20 NewbieVille816292711
78DowikNomnomer (L44 Warrior ) 20 NewbieVille970972256
79outlanderKaiten (L64 Warrior )-278813602
80DakarrowLancelot (L48 Spy )-329223461