Free online strategic RPG game
Beta v1.0
EN server 1
List of players who are playing now.
1red3hkRain (L150 Warrior ) 39 42142895673
2Pelleaon1987Te'alc (L315 Warrior ) 39 35717389915
3klarsenUhtred (L120 Warrior )-23237488185
4HIGHLIGHTERTerminator Mixator (L118 Spy ) 30 29067375308
5krisSpadino (L216 Warrior ) 43 29453974554
6TpeanutAlbert (L352 Landlord ) 39 29764060652
7GeneralisaGigi (L170 Warrior ) 46 28876659246
8transtrans (L255 Warrior ) 12 Vontonland23298459646
9tryAlaric (L144 Landlord ) 42 Rodinia21548142027
10KrisDexter (L174 Warrior ) 37 The Shire30578436325
11RamsKjartan (L71 Landlord )-13494537480
12niboreagoslave (L150 Landlord )-22742834241
13Joxer986Joxer the Mighty (L193 Wizard )-24284333398
14sotona666Coldblade (L210 Warrior )-24214932440
15MufSparhawk (L166 Warrior )-27138222508
16axemannajebo si (L151 Wizard ) 39 17766922689
17KidaGwynbleidd (L108 Landlord )-16780521272
18BorissBoroval (L126 Warrior ) 37 The Shire24505418249
19EmpyresEmpyres (L155 Warrior )-13813519864
20AldarNico (L99 Warrior )-19912118373